7 Ways To Get Rid Of Negative Thoughts From Your Unconscious Mind In this post, you’ll discover 7 actionable steps for getting rid of negative thoughts from your unconscious mind. These techniques will equip you with coping strategies when these thoughts present themselves. Each one of these techniques is mutually exclusive and cannot be used in coordination with the others. It should be noted that some of these techniques are actually opposing and contradicting each other. However, each is very useful on its own or in combination with the others for removing negativity.
But if you realize and are conscious of the fact that the mind is an incredibly deceitful thing,, constantly creating negative thoughts, then you do not have to accept and believe every single negative thought that comes into your mind. Alright, lets get started with the first method.
1. Negative Thought Must Be Stopped
If a negative thought enters the mind and is identified, then the negative thought should be stopped immediately by introducing another thought that is unrelated to the negative thought. Try to distract yourself through positive thinking—try to remember positive episodes from the past or think about certain events you are looking forward to and waiting for eagerly.

The key is to note your negative thinking and immediately challenge it without engaging in a debate, reasoning or objecting to the negativity. Pretend that you have a radio and are listening to a programme. Suppose a horrible song is being played; then one would change the radio station. Learn to tame your thoughts; do the same with your mind. Whenever you have an unpleasant thought, tell yourself, “turn off the channel”.
2. Refocus Your Attention
Another effective technique is to label the negative thought whenever you catch yourself thinking about it. Cognitive: – Challenge it by saying in your mind- this is negative thinking. Aloud: ‘It is just a thought and doesn’t have to cause any effect on me. Negativity arises when one has negative thoughts but these thoughts do not become powerful until you respond to them. With labelling, you decrease the emotional power of the thought because you are not responding to it. After this, leave this object and do not think about it as long as you have not labelled it.
3. Exaggerate Ridiculousness
To diffuse a negative thought, pick it and blow it up like a balloon till it becomes ridiculous. Make up a story that carries out a really extreme version of your negative thought. For instance, if you think, “I’m going to mess up this presentation,” imagine the scenario spiraling out of control. You fall on top of the projector … the slides become garbage-dotted animations. and the viewers start tossing paper pellets at you. What you cannot control is almost always an enemy for you; by playing out the thought to an absurd degree, you can sometimes gain a remark at it and thus take the negative away from it.
4. Replace Negative Thoughts with Positive Ones
Refuse to think negatively and learn to counter negative thoughts with its opposite positive. When you are about to sit for your test and you have a negative mindset like “I am going to fail this test,” replace it with “I am going to ace this test.”. Here are more examples:
“I am not going to do anything regarding this project” → “I am going to progress fairly well regarding this project”. ”
“I’m never going to be okay with money” → “I’m going to be rich”.

You may not realise it, but your mind is only capable of thinking one single thought at a time. Thus, suppressing the negative thought is an effective way of getting rid of the negative thought because, through suppression, a person replaces the negative thought with a positive one.
5. Reframe Thoughts with Positive Self-Talk
Positive self-talks are effective antidotes that can help eliminate persistent negative thoughts. Each time a negative thought comes into one’s mind, it is to be replaced with a powerful positive thought. For instance, if you notice yourself dwelling on “I will never master my profession,” tell yourself, “I am successful and promoted in this career” for at least two minutes. It is possible to change the incorrect information in your unconscious by repeating certain phrases and statements over and over.
6. Meditation
It shows how mindfulness and meditation could aid you in monitoring thoughts and developing a feeling of separation from them. The constant practice of mindfulness will enable one to see through his or her thoughts without being overly concerned or attached to them, as they may simply drift away. This is where meditation comes in, as it helps train the mind to have a relaxed state that can easily eradicate negative thinking. Find a few minutes every day to simply be still, concentrate on breathing slowly and deeply, and notice what goes through your mind. Slowly, you will be able to identify negative thoughts and move past them.
7. Be physically active

Exercise has been proven to be an effective method to help improve your mental state and decrease negative thoughts. Endorphins are chemicals in the brain that make a person feel happier, and exercise triggers the production of these chemicals. It is crucial to distract their minds from these thoughts and change their behaviour; it can be easily done by involving the person in some physical activity. Whether it’s walking or jogging, going to the gym, practicing yoga, or simply playing a sport, ensure exercise forms part of your daily life. Exercise can serve as a good outlet for relieving some of the negative thoughts that are entered into the brain through the receptors.