If you have been employed in the corporate world, no doubt you have realized that it is “too much” of a façade. And all is fake like the entertainment world and now understand the whys in some parts. In addition, very often executives in a business setting have no use of bearing any false colors, either. Mainly, we fake it because corporate culture is only a relic of middle-class culture. Middle-class people also can pretend a lot.
Why do most people hate their corporate jobs?
There is nothing real about the corporate world. There is no one to rely on except yourself. People in general are not honest and one cannot count on them. It is not a “natural” environment. You become just a gear in a machine, a tool, that is only used to make the top people richer. While your contribution is valued by the team, it is only you who are not considered important and are not treated like you matter.
No, even if you reach the top and count for something, you will pay a heavy price to your soul, and you will be deprived of all human qualities like empathy, compassion, and trust. The more you go up, the murkier the waters get, so you have to become tougher. You can’t say you are a member of the society. You may say, of course, I am participating in society because my company has a good product and I help the company operate. In contrast, it is not that for the majority of us. If you look for a job where you can do something that matters, where you can help people and directly see the consequences of your effort, the corporate world will not give this to you. In summary, a soulful human being is not designed to fit into a corporate world.
Certainly, you can earn money in corporate world, but you have to pay for it in return. The longer you work in the corporate environment, the more likely you are to find it too expensive. The corporate world is fake as fake can get.
Artificial affiliations in the workplace is not beneficial
Also, it is not worth your time
You just can’t Fool anyone, anyplace. It is the case that many ordinary people with healthy sense of self are not deceived by fake people, even if they pretend they are. They recognize you based on what you do and how you do it. Therefore, regardless of how much you pretend to be kind by using fake smiles and feeble acts of good will, the truth will remain; you are a heartless creature of the lowest depths. The simple will be cheated. What they won’t get is a deep understanding, they will be fooled once and then again and again because they only see a surface level. The only result of this is that you could have a whole group of morons as your friends, and these guys won’t take you that far in your career most of the time.
It Doesn’t Let You Finish Anything
If you want to obtain genuine results, involve honest people who are willing to make real actions. How well do you think you are going to make it if you are just faking your way out? At best you’re just going to make it appear that you are doing certain activities. Lying to people is difficult and it consumes a lot of energy, so why not save that energy and use it to be that fake person? Please don’t walk on water until you learn how to swim, otherwise when you make it, you won’t know what to do and you will sink. Be an ‘it’ from the start and you’ll really see a difference.
A Bunch Of Times, I Wave, And There’s No Benefit
In genuine, I want to state that most of the people pretend to be the same at work when they have nothing to gain, so they’re wasting their efforts. You may not walk away being a very well-liked coworker for nothing at all. Because you can be phony only for boring stuff and monetarily satisfactory things like a raise and a promotion, not because you want to be slightly liked by the cleaner. If you do fake it make sure that fake is neither your behavior nor your way of life. Indeed, you have to be very careful and imagine the placements to be faking as positive, menacing is the incorrect approach.
You’ll end up making more enemies
People don’t approve of fake, inconsistent people, even if they are inconsistent and fake themselves. When you make false statements your enemies will multiply. You should be taking care of your enemies and try to have as many allies as possible. If you are a person of integrity, even if someone doesn’t like you, they’ll respect you. In other words, they are less likely to disrespect and defraud you. Not having to watch your back all the time, just because you are the new kid on the block, is a big relief.
Aren’t we family?
In many workplaces, there exists a common refrain: “We are family.” This phrase is often employed by managers and leaders as a technique to elicit more work and commitment from their employees. Firstly, the fundamental premise of a family is built on blood ties and unconditional support. In contrast, the relationships within a workplace are primarily transactional. Employees are bound by contracts, hierarchies, and professional obligations rather than genuine emotional connections.