Work-Life Balance: Tips from a Psychologist’s Perspective

What is work-life balance?

Work-life balance is a person’s ability to carry out his or her family and work obligations and sanction non-work-related commitments and activities that are done after work hours and free time. Caring about a healthy work-life balance is not about devoting the same amount of time to your activities or each part of your work. The term work-life balance denotes our ability to control our time well, to distribute our work efficiently, and to at the same time still be satisfied in our personal and professional lives.

What is the time forward? How is work-life balance getting worse?

An unorganised mixture of work and home responsibilities usually happens when the scales are tilted to one side or the other. To sum up, the impossibility of dropping all responsibilities and all duties to live a life free of duty is indeed a challenging issue, and many people would say that it is an unsatisfactory and meaningless way to live. Thus, we have to discover ways to balance our responsibilities in a good way. The aim is to strike a work-life balance wherein the things we do and put our time and energy into result in satisfactory outputs for ourselves.

Why does work life balance really matter?

A good work-life balance is necessary since it cuts down on stress and avoids burnout in our personal and professional lives. Besides, it can also boost mental health, avert possible chronic pain and hypertension, and prevent digestive issues.

In Work

  1. Set achievable goals: Make a list of tasks for the day and prioritize them. Completing tasks gives a sense of accomplishment and reduces stress.
  2. Manage time efficiently: Break big tasks into smaller ones and tackle them one at a time. Reward yourself after completing each task to stay motivated. Avoid wasting time on unnecessary activities.
  3. Ask for flexibility: Many companies offer flexible work hours or remote work options. Research shows that employees with flexible schedules are more productive and loyal.
  4. Take breaks: It’s okay to take short breaks during work. They help clear the mind and improve decision-making abilities.
  5. Listen to music: Listening to music can improve concentration, reduce stress, and boost creativity. Just make sure to use headphones at work.
  6. Communicate effectively: Be honest with colleagues or your boss if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Offering solutions instead of complaints can reduce stress for everyone.
  7. Give yourself a break: Remember, nobody’s perfect. Allow yourself to make mistakes and do your best.

A study conducted by an organization called the “Work Life Balance Institute” found that 80% of employees who followed these tips reported feeling less stressed and more satisfied with their work-life balance. Additionally, 70% of companies that implemented flexible work policies reported an increase in employee productivity and morale. These findings highlight the importance of implementing strategies for better work-life balance in the workplace.

In Home

  1. Disconnect from technology: Using technology round-the-clock can lead to burnout. It’s important to take breaks and prioritise your personal time. Research shows that excessive technology use is linked to increased stress and decreased mental well-being.
  2. Share responsibilities: Divide household tasks evenly and clearly define roles to avoid confusion and conflicts later on. Research indicates that evenly distributed responsibilities lead to greater satisfaction and harmony in the home.
  3. Avoid overcommitting: Learn to say no to overscheduled activities to prevent stress and overwhelm. Studies show that overcommitment is associated with increased anxiety and decreased well-being.
  4. Seek support: Maintain strong connections with friends and family, as social support enhances overall health and resilience. Research suggests that individuals with strong support systems have stronger immune responses and better mental health.
  5. Utilise Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs): Many companies offer EAPs that provide resources and guidance on various life issues. Research shows that employees who utilise EAP services report lower stress levels and improved work-life balance.
  6. Stay physically active: Regular exercise not only benefits physical health but also reduces stress and improves mental well-being. Studies have shown that exercise boosts mood, enhances resilience to adversity, and strengthens the immune system.
  7. Prioritise self-care: Maintaining good physical health through proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate rest increases resilience to stress and reduces sick days. Avoiding unhealthy coping mechanisms like drugs and alcohol is crucial for overall well-being.

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